July 1, 2023
WINAIR is pleased to announce the acceptance of the cutting-edge DHC-300 aircraft, equipped with the state-of-the-art Garmin 950 glass cockpit, revolutionizing aviation technology. This aircraft was accepted by WINAIR from Unity Aviation Company in Calgary Alberta Canada.
Replacing the outdated systems of the past, the Garmin 950 glass cockpit marks a significant leap forward in aviation technology. Gone are the days of analog gauges and limited displays. With the Garmin 950, our crew will now enjoy this advanced avionics system that provides a comprehensive and intuitive display of flight information, navigation data, and aircraft systems on high-resolution, multifunctional screens, enhancing situational awareness. The advantages of the Garmin 950 glass cockpit are manifold, providing increased reliability, accuracy and ease of service.

from left to right: Michael D. Cleaver, Pilot Hivon, Keevan Duzong, Pilot Sigouin, Marco London

This DHC-300 aircraft, coupled with the Garmin 950 glass cockpit, is set to redefine the flying experience and will set the standard in regional aviation regardless of aircraft type." stated Mr. M. Cleaver President & CEO of WINAIR. And WINAIR would like to thank St. Maarten Civil Aviation, especially inspector Mr. Keeven Duzon, as well as our quality assurance manager Marco London for traveling to Calgary to assist with acceptance and pre registration of this aircraft. The aircraft will be in service June 15, 2023.

WINAIR would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Unity Aviation for their invaluable partnership in bringing the DHC-300 aircraft with the Garmin 950 glass cockpit to fruition.

Additionally, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to their exceptional team of licensed aircraft technicians who dedicated an astounding 18,000 man hours to ensure that our safety and quality standards were not just met but exceeded. Their unwavering commitment to excellence has resulted in an aircraft that will undoubtedly serve our airline and passengers' needs for years to come.

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