Refund Protect

Protect your booking with Refund Protect

During your booking process on this website, you can now upgrade your booking with Refund Protect to make your booking refundable for a variety of unforeseen circumstances.

To use Refund Protect, simply select the Refund Protect option when you are booking your WINAIR flights. You will be charged a non-refundable fee for Refund Protect, but this fee is typically much less than the cost of your booking.

If you need to cancel your booking due to an unforeseen circumstance, you can submit a refund claim to Refund Protect. Refund Protect will review your claim and, if approved, will refund you the full cost of your booking, minus the cost of Refund Protect.

Unforeseen circumstances that may be covered by Refund Protect include:

- Illness or injury
- Death in the family
- Adverse Weather (en route to your airport)
- Unexpected travel restrictions
- Other unforeseen events
see full list of reasons here

Refund Protect is a great way to protect your booking. If you need to cancel your booking due to an unforeseen circumstance, Refund Protect gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you will get your money back.
for FAQs visit:

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