Champions for a Sustainable Paradise: Sea & Learn Foundation

June 4, 2024
The Caribbean evokes images of pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and lush rainforests. But this paradise faces significant environmental challenges. Here at Winair, we're committed to supporting the region's delicate ecosystems and vibrant communities.

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That's why we're often a proud sponsor of the Sea & Learn Foundation on Saba, a true champion for environmental awareness and cultural heritage in the Dutch Caribbean.

Sea & Learn isn't your typical foundation. Founded by Lynn Costenaro, it brings together locals and visitors in a unique educational crusade. By inviting leading naturalists, scientists and academics from around the world, Sea & Learn offers workshops, lectures, and hands-on activities that illuminate the wonders and challenges facing Saba's environment. From the vibrant coral reefs teeming with life to the lush rainforests blanketing the island's slopes, participants gain a deeper understanding of Saba's delicate balance.

But Sea & Learn goes beyond education. They translate knowledge into action. Their "Science SEAkers" program empowers 6th graders at the Sacred Heart School, fostering a new generation of environmental stewards. Each month focuses on a different aspect of Saba's environment, aligned with the Nature and Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP). From waste management and sustainable agriculture to erosion control and coral restoration, Sea & Learn equips students with the tools they need to protect their island home.

The impact extends beyond the classroom. The "Create & Learn" program revitalizes traditional Saban crafts and art forms, connecting younger generations with their cultural heritage. This fosters a sense of community pride and encourages sustainable practices that respect the island's unique character.

Winair is proud to support Sea & Learn's mission. By sponsoring their events and facilitating travel for visiting scientists, we contribute to this vital educational exchange. We believe in the power of knowledge and community to create a more sustainable future for Saba and the entire Caribbean.

Inspired to be a part of the solution?

Learn more about the Sea & Learn Foundation at and consider joining their upcoming events. Together, we can ensure that the Caribbean's paradise remains vibrant for generations to come.

Thinking of visiting Saba?

Winair offers convenient connections to experience this special island firsthand. While you're there in October, consider visiting their educational sessions of attend field projects.

Let's all be champions for a sustainable Caribbean!

photo credits:, Saba Tourism Bureau

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